Putnam Station, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Putnam Station, New York are listed below. This information is not necessarily up-to-date or complete. However, it can be helpful in deciding on the environment for your children and the job market. In Putnam Station, there are approximately 26,794 housing units. Of these, 22,458 are occupied, and 4,336 are vacant. There is a wide range of income levels in the city, ranging from $52,903 to $71,368. Lower-income areas are typically found in the central part of the city and higher-income neighborhoods are usually located to the north and northwest.

The town's growth was limited by several factors. The new shopping centers on the east side were drawing foot traffic away from the downtown and sending merchants into financial decline. Landlords could no longer charge premium rents and their buildings were deteriorating. The only two-lane thoroughfare connecting the east and west sides of the city was chronically congested, with traffic on Washington Street. As a result, Putnam led an effort to widen the street to four lanes. He also spearheaded a federally-sponsored downtown redesign, known as the Core Area Plan.

Putnam Station City is part of the Putnam County region, which is located in New York. The town was originally a part of the 1764 Provincial Patent, granted to officers who served in the French and Indian War. It was incorporated into the town of Putnam in 1806. The area has an area of 35.5 square miles or 92 square kilometers. It is close to the Connecticut metro-North train and is well-connected to New York City.