Prattsville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering about the population and steets of Prattsville City, Alabama, you have come to the right place. You can check out our information on crime statistics. We have broken down the rates by neighborhood and even per mile, making it easy to find the best neighborhoods for you. The crime rate in Prattsville City is higher than the national average, but it's not that high that you shouldn't stay away from these neighborhoods.

The population of Prattsville City has been on the decline since the Civil War. In the mid-1800s, the town had nearly two thousand people. In 2010, the population had dwindled to 700. During this period, the town had been getting older. According to a 1973 archaeological survey, Prattsville had been inhabited by prehistoric people. Native Americans had already moved out by the time Europeans landed.

The area around Prattsville is mainly flat. The Mohawk River runs through the town. The Schoharie Creek is an important tributary to the Mohawk River. Aside from the river, the town has two reservoirs, which are a source of water for the Mohawk. The population of Prattsville is 19.7 square miles, or 51 square kilometers.

The population of Prattsville City is made up of people from various ethnic groups. A majority of the population is white. However, the city has a large Vietnamese population. In addition, Prattsville is home to a large number of Vietnam veterans. The total number of foreign-born residents is less than 1%. If you are curious about the ethnic composition of the city, you can look up the ethnic breakdown by race and gender.