Porter Corners, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Porter Corners is a city in the U.S. state of New York. The city is located in the county of Saratoga. This city is home to a diverse population, with nearly half of the population speaking an ethnic language other than English. Approximately 9.4% of the Porter Corners population speaks Italian at home.

Porter Corners is located within 58 miles of three major cities. You can use the distance to find the nearest major airport, or search for smaller towns to find an airport that's close to Porter Corners. There's also a list of towns that are within a hundred miles of Porter Corners.

Porter Corners has a low crime rate compared to its surrounding cities. In fact, the city has lower crime rates than the national average. However, this doesn't mean that the city is crime-free. There are still crimes, and some residents may not feel safe enough to live there.

Porter Corners is home to many families with children. The area also features low crime rates and top public schools. Families who value education will love the neighborhood. The area also has the highest percentage of Croatian ancestry residents. The neighborhood also features many other families that value education.