Port Chester, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This table shows the population and steets of Port Chester City. There were 9,240 households with children under the age of eighteen. Forty-seven percent of households were headed by married couples, while fourteen percent were headed by women without their husbands. Twenty-four percent of households were non-families. Ten percent of all households were made up of senior citizens. The median age of these households was 37.

Port Chester is a nautical city with water on three sides and tidal bodies. Residents enjoy the waterfront activities. While the majority of people use private automobiles to commute to work, a significant percentage of residents utilize public transit to get around. This helps reduce air pollution and reduce highway traffic. In addition to these public services, Port Chester has a number of public facilities. Several businesses in Port Chester are located within the city limits.

In 2019, the median age of Port Chester, NY residents was 37. This was an increase of nearly two years from the year before, when the median age for native citizens was 27. Foreign-born residents of the city were also older. Their native countries of origin were China, the Dominican Republic, and Jamaica. This demonstrates that Port Chester is a cosmopolitan city. The average age for males in the city was also higher than that of females.

The first World War ushered in an era of development in the Port Chester waterfront. This large harborfront estate was subdivided, resulting in the Greyrock neighborhood, which eventually had 47 residences. However, the second world war was another story. After the second world war, several corporations established headquarters in the area, including the Life Savers factory. Today, the Life Savers factory is a residential building. It's a striking example of how Port Chester transitioned from an industrial center to a suburban municipality.