Port Byron, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following data provides a snapshot of the Port Byron, New York population. It includes information on the number of households using a particular mode of transportation. The chart uses a logarithmic scale to better illustrate differences in smaller means of transportation. This chart displays the share of households in Port Byron by car ownership buckets. The most common car ownership buckets are two cars and false. In addition, 93.9% of residents in Port Byron, NY have health insurance, including employee plans, Medicaid, Medicare, and other insurance. Additionally, there are a few small health insurance plans available to residents of this city, including military and VA coverage.

The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Port Byron is White. However, Hispanics and Other racial and ethnic groups also make up a large portion of the population. In addition, the percentage of households with income below the poverty line in Port Byron, NY is higher than the national average, at 71.1%. Those with income below these thresholds are classified as "poverty-affected." In terms of employment, people in Port Byron, NY are most likely to work alone, carpool, or work from home.

The Town of Mentz and Village of Port Byron partnered on a joint Comprehensive Plan for Port Byron. The plan has several recommendations for future land use. A new zoning district was developed for the Town, including a reduction in the industrial zone, consolidation of low-density development near the town's municipal boundary, and a focus on agricultural activities. These changes will allow for gradual growth in the city without negatively impacting the existing agricultural communities.