Pompey, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You're interested in the population and steets of Pompey City, and are looking for information on the city. Read this article to learn more about the city and its history. Then, you can decide which of the sites to visit during your vacation to Italy. We hope you enjoy your stay in this ancient city! Also, be sure to check out the other sites in Pompey City!

The Forum of Pompeii with its entrances to the Macellum and Basilica. The Temple of Jupiter can be seen in the distance, as can Mount Vesuvius. A painted tomb, discovered in 2021 outside the Porta Sarno gate, was found to contain mummified human remains. An inscription in the tomb records his achievements in the city, including custodianship of the Temple of Venus and membership in the Augustales. He also organized Greek and Latin performances for four days. Despite their ages, the buildings still show signs of decay, and some of them have been eroded by pedestrian activity since the excavation.

Although Romans invaded Campania during the Second Samnite War in 310 BC, they remained loyal to Rome, and the city was eventually incorporated into their orbit. By the fourth century BC, the city began to expand outside the walled area. The city expanded outward and established regular street plans. During this period, Pompeii gained Roman citizenship. A colony was established and Romanized institutions and architecture soon followed.