Plattekill, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets in Plettekill City? Let's find out! This map of Plattekill City shows you the distribution of the town's population by age. In 2010, there were 28,038 residents, including 1,213 residents over the age of 65. The median age was 36, and the male to female ratio was 99.9 to 1. Males outnumbered females ninety-nine to one. The percentage of males in Plattekill City was 94.5 to one for adults over the age of 18.

The median age of the population in Plattekill, NY was 33 in 2019. This percentage included both native-born citizens and foreign-born residents. Native-born residents were on average 28 years old, and those born abroad were on average 41 years old. In 2019, the median household income in Plattekill, NY was $196,600. There were 2 cars per household. The average household was two people. The population of Plattekill, NY was 1.03k. In 2019, 98.3% of the population was a citizen of the United States, and 11.1% were born elsewhere.

Plattekill is a town in Ulster County, New York, in the U.S., located at an elevation of 670 feet (204 meters). According to the 2010 census, the town has a population of 10,211, down 2.74% from the previous census. The town is comprised of five hamlets. You can find out the population of Plattekill by visiting its Census Page.