Phillipsport, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Phillipsport are listed below. You can use the list to see how close each is to Phillipsport City. For instance, if you live in the center of the city, the robbery rate is 1 in 36,886. However, if you live in the southeast, the robbery rate is 1 in 48,292. Although the rates may seem inconsistent, it is safe to say that Phillipsport is safer in the south than it is in the center.

The population of Phillipsport was spread out and, in 2009, there were about 4,153 households. The age breakdown of those living in the city was quite varied. In fact, nearly thirty-five percent of people living in the town were under age. Another thirty-four percent of people lived in households with children. Twenty-one percent were between the ages of 45 and 64, while eight percent of the population was over 65. Regardless of age, the median age in the town was 37 years old, indicating that residents were relatively young.