Perrysburg, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Percentage of People With a Master's Degree or More in Perrysburg, OH

The median age of all residents in Perrysburg, OH is 37.4. Native born residents in Perrysburg, OH were 37.4% older than average, while foreign born residents were 41. This indicates that the average age of residents in Perrysburg is rising. Last year, the median age of residents was 38. The top three countries of birth for foreign-born residents in Perrysburg, OH were Mexico, India, and China.

The population of Perrysburg City is 33,108. Its largest race is White, and the majority of people are affluent. Perrysburg is located in Northwest Ohio, near Toledo, OH, and Woodstock, Ontario Canada. In the year 2020, Perrysburg was the second most affordable place to raise a family. It is also home to the venerable Toledo Mud Hens minor league baseball team and an excellent zoo.

Per capita income in Perrysburg, OH, was $47,821 in 2018. This was a high level of wealth compared to other cities in Ohio, and is in the upper middle class compared to the national average. There are numerous places to eat in Perrysburg, including Vito's Pizza & Subs, which has menus online. And for fitness buffs, there's Junior Joggers, which has a location at 104 Silver Maple Drive, Perrysburg, OH 43551.

For the purpose of comparison, QuickFacts provides demographic and income data for all cities with population over 5,000 people. Although these data may be considered comparable across geographic levels, the differences are primarily due to differences in methodology and sampling errors. The QuickFacts icons are found on each row of a TABLE. The Quick Info icons on each row provide additional information, including the sampling error. The vintage year is the final year of the series.