Penfield, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about Penfield City, NY, you might be wondering what the city's population and sate are. There's a lot of information to consider, so take a look at the table below for some details. You'll be able to find out where most people live, and the demographics of different areas within the city. For example, the town of Penfield contains a majority of single people, with a percentage of only 34%. However, there's also a large percentage of divorced people, and Penfield is the number two city for this demographic.

The crime rate for Penfield is one way to understand the city's risk level. While the city's overall crime rate is low, crime rates tend to be higher in areas near major airports, public parks, and other places of recreation. The rate of crime for the city may seem higher if you live near these areas, but it's important to remember that crime occurs where people congregate.

The Penfield Town Center is comprised of small to medium sized homes, apartment complexes, and high-rise buildings. Most residences were built between 1940 and 1969, and a few were built in the 1970s and beyond. Those living in Penfield's town center are likely to be upper-middle class or above. The penfield town court adjudicates about 6,000 cases a year, putting it among the top one-third of all American neighborhoods.