Paul Smiths, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you trying to find out information about the Population & Steets in Paulsmiths, New York? We have compiled the following information to help you find out more. This information is based on data from the United States Census Bureau, and other sources. You can use the buttons on the map to move, zoom, and view other relevant information. However, the information should be used for reference purposes only.

The population of Paul Smiths City is primarily white. The percentage of single adults is high, and the number of middle-aged adults is extremely small. The percentage of children under 18 is low. This area has a high percentage of vacancies compared to other areas of the country. There are several universities in or near Paul Smiths City. The median household income is $53,250. Because of these positive demographics, the population of 12970 is likely to be quite pleasant.