Panama, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Panama City, Florida, read on! It is a city located in Bay County. Panama City is one of 20 census county divisions (CCDs) in Florida, which track subdivisions within counties. This section includes the city of Panama City, FL, as well as group quarters, such as nursing homes, college residence halls, and military barracks.

The population of Panama City is diverse. Most residents are white, although there are some minorities of black and Hispanic descent. In 2000, the city had a median household income of $31,572, with a male median income of $30,401 and a female median of $21,431 in Panama City. The per capita income was $17,830. A small percentage of residents lived below the poverty line. Of the population, about 14.9% were under the age of 18 while 20.

The main cities in Panama are David, Colon, Santiago, and Chitre. Although Panama City is the largest city, it is still home to many small, rural areas. While this city has a small population, it is the country's economic center and accounts for 65% of all sales in Panama. Panama City has many retail outlets that sell imported goods and native handicrafts. Luxury items are generally untaxed to attract tourists. In the rural areas, US-style variety stores are common. Meat and fish are sold in markets. Property taxes are exempt for the first five years.

The government of Panama City is a republic where the president exercises executive power. The president is assisted by a cabinet. April 1983 reforms changed the election of the president. The president is elected by direct popular vote, and a second vice president was added to the executive branch. A president and two vice presidents are required to be native Panamanians. They serve five-year terms and are not eligible for immediate re-election. The country's political system is criticized for its corruption, especially among the indigenous population.