Painted Post, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Painged Post City are listed below. This information is based on the Census data that is tagged to residential addresses. The age of the population in Painted Post is 41.5, which is the median age of all residents. The average age of all residents in Painted Post is 39, which is slightly older than the average age of New York residents. The top three countries of birth for people in Painted Post is the Dominican Republic, China, and Jamaica.

The population of Painted Post is approximately 1,689, and the median household income is $51,458. The poverty rate is approximately 14.3%, which is lower than the state's average. In addition, the median household income in Painted Post is less than the national average of $53,672.

The town was established as a village in 1803. Its name was given to the town by the Erwin brothers, who are considered the first wealthy European descendants to settle in the area. Painted Post still has four of their historic mansions, and the town was officially incorporated in 1860, and then reincorporated in 1893. The village got its name from a historical wooden post, though the origin of the post is unclear.

The county was devastated by Hurricane Agnes in June 1972. The remnants of the storm sat over the Pennsylvania-New York border, dropping 20 inches of rain. The city suffered significant damage from flooding, with the Tioga, Cohocton, and Chemung rivers overflowing their banks. The city was under water for much of the time, and many bridges were destroyed. In 2017, the population was significantly lower than the state average, and the population was foreign-born.