Ouaquaga, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to learn more about Ouaquaga City, New York, you can find a detailed list of the cities nearby. In fact, you can get a general feel for the surrounding community by examining the population and steets of those nearby cities. The following list will help you make a decision about where to live in Ouaquaga City. The map below shows the population of various cities and towns within 67 miles of Ouaquaga City, NY.

Violent Crime Rates. Violent crime rates are measured per 1,000 residents in Ouaquaga. The violent crime rate in Ouaquaga City is 0.87 crimes per 1,000 people per standard year. This is lower than many other cities, but not as low as the national average. In fact, the northwest area of the city is safer than many other parts of the city. However, you should note that crime rates may be higher in some areas than others.

Commuting. People living in Ouaquaga/Blatchley spend an average of 15 minutes commuting to work each way. Compared to the New York state average of $603,991, the average commute time is only 15 minutes. In contrast, the average American spends more than 5 hours commuting to work every day. A high proportion of people who live in Ouaquaga commute by car.