Orchard Park, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets in Orchard Park City, NY, then you have come to the right place. You can find all the important facts about this city right here. Whether you are planning to live here or just visiting, you should definitely read this article! We hope you will enjoy it! Here is some information you need to know about this city.

The median age of the population in Orchard Park, NY is 44.8. Compared to the national average, this is a lower age. Moreover, the homeownership rate is higher than the national average (70.9%). In terms of commute time, people living in Orchard Park, NY drive alone for about 20 minutes to work. The number of cars per household is also the same as the national average, with about two vehicles per household.

The city's income statistics are not terribly encouraging. Only 19.0% of the population has a college degree. This is a problem in terms of economic development. It is also a challenge for business recruitment and retention. In order to address this problem, the city will need to find other ways to train its citizens for jobs. This means utilizing alternative methods to improve employment opportunities in Orchard Park.

The city's population decline has resulted in the displacement of people from substandard housing. Many of the homes were originally built for workers and lack the amenities that contemporary homebuyers look for. Moreover, the city's residents don't feel safe, largely due to crime and poor public services. As a result, many residents of this city have started living in motels until they can secure better housing.