Olmstedville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to learn more about the population and steets of Olmstedville City, you will want to look at some data that shows how much crime is committed in the city. For example, the violent crime map in Olmstedville is quite inflated. In fact, the red areas don't necessarily mean that it's dangerous for residents. In the south of the city, for example, the violent crime rate is less than half of that of the north.

The next question to ask is how many people are school-age. This is important because it will help you make decisions about the environment for your children and their future job market. The city of Olmstedville has an overall school enrollment of 8,857, which includes both public and private schools. In addition to this, it has 13,397 students attending elementary and high schools, while there were just 1,199 students enrolled in college.

There are 502 households in Olmstedville, with the majority being single-family homes. This number is relatively constant, with approximately 173 one-unit detached homes and 399 single-family attached homes. In addition, the city also has 499 apartment units, with each containing between two and fifty units. And of course, single-family homes are still the majority in Olmstedville.