Olivebridge, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is based on the 2019 American Community Survey and is provided as a guide only. While the data is generally accurate, it is not always updated. You can use the information to guide decisions about the environment and job market for your children. This data is based on the most recent statistics and is subject to change. You should always verify the accuracy of any information before using it. In the case of Olivebridge, NY, it is best to consult the official government sites for official statistics.

The population of Olivebridge is made up of 1,781 people, of which 445 are under 20 years of age. There are two hundred and eighty-seven male residents in Olivebridge and 192 female residents. The median age for both men and women is 42 years. The number of births and deaths is also 1,781. The race makeup of Olivebridge varies depending on the year. Of the total population, 1,762 are white, 786 are African American, and 19 are Hispanic or Latino.

If you are looking for a home in Olivebridge, NY, you have many options. This town is nestled in the Hudson River Valley. Natural streams and majestic mountains are right at your doorstep. Olive real estate is varied, from tiny antique farmhouses to modern architectural masterpieces. Some homes even offer spectacular views of the Ashokan Reservoir. Olive houses are generally well-spaced and are completely private.