Ocean Beach, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a brief history of Population & Steets in Ocean, NJ. The area was first named Peck's Beach in the 1700s, and was not particularly welcoming. Many people who lived in nearby towns visited it only for a respite. In fact, the city's first school was built in 1910, and the town already had a storefront library.

The area's neighborhoods are divided by the ocean and bay, and resemble an island. The area east of New York Avenue has very narrow sidewalks, each named after a month. The West End consists of large, closely-spaced houses and bungalows. Streets in the area are named after U.S. states, with a few exceptions. Nevada Avenue and Westholme are two neighborhoods located near the ocean and bay.

There are approximately 5,574 residents in the city, but this number is subject to change as more census data are released. As of the 2010 Census, the city's population will grow by another 4,577 in 2020. For further information on this city, check out the U.S. Census Bureau's online map or a city directory. You can also look up school information on the Ocean Beach School page. This will show you the school's name, address, state, ZIP code, and telephone number.

Originally, only the wealthy could afford to live in Ocean Beach. After a bridge was built, the town began to attract an influx of immigrants. In 1890, the city had a population of 280, and by 1910, it had more than 11000 people. Today, Ocean Beach is home to some of San Francisco's most important infrastructure, including stormwater and wastewater treatment plants. There are a lot of attractions in this quaint, historic town.