Obernburg, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following article provides an overview of the population and steets of Obernburg City. You can also view a map of the city's crime rates. Crime in Obernburg is significantly higher than the national average. However, it is not impossible to find a crime-free area. You can also find information on nearby cities to compare Obernburg's crime rate with those of those in other cities.

The population of Obernburg City was 93,511 at the 2010 Census. The population was spread across a range of ages. Twenty-five percent of the population was under the age of eighteen, thirty-nine percent was twenty-four or older, and 27.4% was over the age of 65. The median age was 38.3 years. The gender makeup of the population is roughly equal, with 51.5% being male and 48.9% female. The median household income was $53,772, and the per capita income was $26,605. The poverty rate in Obernburg is relatively low, with a low percentage of individuals living in poverty. Only 6.9% of families were living below the poverty line and the number of people over sixty-five was nineteen or older.

The map of Obernburg am Main is available for download in a full screen format. It contains many layers, including a street map, Google hybrid map, and satellite view. However, the Bing satellite map and Google hybrid map are not licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0. If you wish to use them, please link back to the original map page. This map also allows you to add your own overlays to the map to show the location of your site or forum.