Northville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to Northville City, Michigan, you may be wondering how to go about finding the right place to live. First, you should know that Northville is part of Oakland County, Michigan. Its population is approximately 6,119 people, with 2,793 people living in Wayne County. Northville is an active incorporated place that serves as an equivalent to a county subdivision. The population is comprised of both white and non-Hispanic residents. The population is made up of a variety of groups, including nursing homes, college residents halls, military barracks, and correctional facilities.

The most recent census figures for Northville City were released in January 2014. The population of this city was 28,497 at the time of the 2010 census. By 2020, the city is expected to grow to around 29,359 people. Northville City was incorporated in 1954. Currently, there are a number of different neighborhoods, each with their own distinct character. Some of the major streets in Northville are named after prominent residents.

The city's history is rich in history, with a vibrant business district, picturesque neighborhoods, and first-class city services. The community embraces its heritage with 19th Century homes and unique historical sites. Its downtown is walkable, and there are miles of green space and trails for you to enjoy. However, if you don't feel like walking around the city, you can always take a bike ride!