North Tonawanda, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The City of North Tonawanda is located in the State of New York. It is served by 7 branch offices of banks. The most popular bank is KeyBank National Association. Other branches are Citizens Bank, National Association, and Northwest Bank. There are also several other banks in the area.

The median age of the residents of North Tonawanda, NY is 46. This includes both native and foreign born residents. In 2020, the most common place of birth for foreign-born residents of North Tonawanda was the Dominican Republic. There were a total of 227,326 foreign-born New Yorkers.

The median property value in North Tonawanda, NY was $129,200 in 2020. This figure is slightly lower than the national average of $122,700. North Tonawanda has a high homeownership rate, at 69.9%, which is higher than the national average. Approximately 58% of the population owns a car. The average commute time for people living in North Tonawanda, NY is 20.8 minutes.

The city's school district enrolls 3,244 students. Its student population is 10% minority and 27% economically disadvantaged. The city's median age is 38 years. The majority of the population works in offices, sales, and related occupations.