North Branch, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

North Branch, Minnesota, is located in the Twin Cities region of the United States. This area is considered a cosmopolitan metropolis and is governed like one city. It is one of the most economically diverse areas in the country, with large firms in banking, agriculture, and food processing headquartered in the area. Other major companies located in the city include US Bancorp, 3M, and Target. Today, the city's population stands at 10,834 and is growing at a rate of 2.6% per year.

The average income in North Branch is $56,880 for females, but it is still significantly lower than the national average. More than a third of North Branch's workforce is either employed at home, commutes by car, or works at a job that requires a high level of education. The city has a comparatively lower poverty rate than the national average. Population & Steets in North Branch City:

The median age in the city was 34.3 years old. The percentage of people under the age of 18 was 7.7%, while 30.4% of households had a woman who did not have a husband. Twenty-three percent of households were non-families. Another eighteen percent consisted of single adults. There were seven people 65 years or older living alone in the city. The median household size in North Branch City was 2.85, while the average family size was 3.24.

The population of North Branch is 10,125 at the 2010 census. It is located at the junction of Interstate 35 and Minnesota State Highway 95. The area has a relatively temperate climate, with summers being pleasant and winters chilly. The city has a diverse population and is a thriving economic center. Those looking for a home in North Branch should check out our community and school districts.