North Bangor, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are several ways to measure population density in the city of North Bangor, Maine. You can also use the American Community Survey (ACS) data to calculate the population density of a community. The city's population density is higher than the national average and the state average. By comparison, the population density of the nearby community of Milford, which is three-fourths the size of Bangor, is lower. The population density of Orono, a city just south of Bangor, is higher.

The crime map in North Bangor City may seem exaggerated because many people do not live in that particular neighborhood. Many crimes are committed in retail areas where there are few people. That's why a neighborhood with a high crime rate is not necessarily dangerous for residents. Crime rates are lower in the central portion of the city, which has a lot of retail establishments. Crime rates in the city's northwest area are lower than those of the central part.

The diversity map of North Bangor City shows that the majority of people living there are white. However, there is also a large percentage of Hispanic and Latino residents. Both of these communities are fairly similar in terms of family size, so if you're looking for more information about the diversity of the city, you should check out this page. The diversity page contains additional statistics for North Bangor.