North Baldwin, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the population of North Baldwin City? You're not alone! This small city is part of the Lawrence Metropolitan Statistical Area and is home to the Maple Leaf Festival. First held in 1957, the festival has become one of the most popular fall events in the area. A parade and arts and crafts fair are just a few of the many events hosted during this time of year. There are also historical tours, live music, and train rides, which draws thousands of people to the area each year.

The Baldwin School District serves the population of North Baldwin City. The Baldwin City School District includes four elementary and high schools. You can find the school you need in Baldwin by clicking on the "Schools" link at the top of this page. It will give you the name of the school as well as the zip code. You can search for schools and museums in Baldwin by using the information provided on the page. You can even find out the number of students in a school by entering its ZIP code.

The education level of the residents of Baldwin City is above the national average. Nearly 34 percent of the population is college-educated, and more than 87% of Baldwin City households have broadband internet access. In addition, the median rent for a household is $870. The median household income in Baldwin City is $13,766. There are about 219 households in the Baldwin City, KS area, and 204 of them are white (Hispanic).