Niobe, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering how many people live in Niobe City, you've come to the right place. This article will provide you with information about Niobe's population and street numbers. Using this information, you can make the right choice for your next move. Niobe is a city in the state of North Dakota. The population is approximately 2,000. Compared to other communities, Niobe is relatively safe. However, the murder rate is higher in areas of the city that aren't crowded with people.

You can also use these statistics to get to know the area better. Niobe City, NY is located in New York. If you'd like to explore the surrounding area, this list will be helpful. It includes nearby cities that are within 100 miles of Niobe. This information is useful for both travelers and residents of the city. There are many things to do in Niobe, so take some time to check out these statistics.

The city was once served by the Pennsylvania Railroad. The trains stopped here twice a day to pick up mailbags. The mailbags were left on the depot's extended iron hook. The Pennsylvania Railroad later renamed this depot Grant Station, New York. Postmaster J. Ray Barker held a contest for a new name for the town, but decided against it because the mailbags created a lot of confusion.