New York Mills, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The latest census data on New York Mills, NY show that the median age of the residents is 45.3. This includes both native-born residents and those who were born abroad. The average age of residents was 48 in 2018. The most common racial group living below the poverty line in New York Mills, NY was White, followed by Asian and Two or More. Census data is tagged to a residential address, so you can find out which racial group lives in the area.

In terms of median property value, the city of New York Mills, NY is less expensive than the national average, with median house values of $119,700. The homeownership rate in this city was fifty percent, and most residents drove alone to work. The median household income in New York Mills, NY was $34,926, while the average household income was $45,628. There are also several demographic statistics available to help you better determine your target audience.

Compared to other cities in the area, New York Mills City has a smaller population than New York City. The median age in this city was 38 years old. Twenty-three percent of residents were under the age of 18, while 9% were between the ages of 25 and 44. Twenty-four percent of the population was aged 45 to 64. Twenty-five percent of residents were aged 65 and over. The population is equally split between males and females, with 46.0% males and fifty-four percent females.