New Windsor, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is a general overview of New Windsor's population and steets. Listed below are the major racial and ethnic groups in the area, as well as the highest and lowest income brackets. Use the data to plan a road trip or explore the surrounding area. For example, you can use the list to find the nearest cities within 100 miles. The table below lists the major racial and ethnic groups in New Windsor, NY.

The median income in New Windsor, NY is $71,282, which is higher than the United States average of $65,712. The homeownership rate is 68%. The median commute time is 31.3 minutes. Most people in New Windsor, NY drive to work alone. In New Windsor, NY, the highest-paying industries are Education and Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Public Administration.

There are several attractions in New Windsor. The Town of New Windsor is home to the Thomas McDowell House, which is located on the western edge of town. This historic home was built around 1770 and was recently added to the National Register of Historic Places. The town is also home to St. Thomas Episcopal Church, which was established in 1818 on land donated by Thomas Ellison. This small stone building is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The average crime rate in New Windsor City is lower than in other neighboring cities. It is safer than the average for New York state and the nation. The city is also less prone to burglary than other areas. A good thing to remember is that crime in central New Windsor is higher than in southern and southeast neighborhoods. So, while the risk of burglary in these neighborhoods is lower than in other areas, they do occur in a higher percentage of the population.