New Milford, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of New Milford is located in the southeast corner of New York State, at the mouth of the Hudson River. The most pleasant months are September, June and May, while January is the coldest. The city is part of the greater New York metropolitan area, which includes the island of Manhattan and the eight-county region immediately to the north. It is the wealthiest place in the United States. As of the 2010 census, the population of New Milford was 16,321, with a growth rate of 3.1% since 2020.

A map of the proposed subdivision should be included in the submission. It should reference the New Milford Plan of Conservation and Development. The map should include notes regarding conservation, explaining why certain features of the site would be eliminated. Additionally, the map should show the existing and proposed property lines, as well as the names of the adjacent subdivisions. A description of the proposed subdivision should include a detailed explanation of the proposed development, including the methods used to satisfy the regulations and plan the site for maximum development.

The city is the largest in New Haven County. It is located on Long Island Sound and is home to the village of Devon and the municipality of Woodmont. Milford has a 17-mile frontage along the water, and several beaches and a yacht club. The city hosts specific events nearly every weekend, from large festivals to simple meetings on the green. It also hosts outdoor movie nights for kids and concerts.