Nedrow, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Nedrow City is estimated at 2,31k people, with a median age of 36.8. The median household income is $49,500. While the population of the city has gone down from 2,316 to 2,310, it has increased significantly in terms of median household income. The population of Nedrow is predominantly White (Non-Hispanic) (63%) followed by Black or African American (4.9%) and Hispanic (2.03%). Moreover, 0% of the population is non-English speaking.

The percentage of households in Nedrow City that is below the poverty line is 13.8%. This percentage has been rising in recent years. It is still below the national average of 4.78. However, there is some good news! Compared to previous years, Nedrow has fewer renter-occupied households than it did in 2010.

The median age of residents in Nedrow, NY is 36.8. The median age of citizens is 38, while those of foreign origins are 34. This shows that the city is becoming more family-oriented and has more people of different ages than it did in the past. The majority of Nedrow's foreign-born population comes from the Dominican Republic. However, China and Jamaica ranked second and third.

The murder rate in Nedrow is 0.02 per thousand people. This is lower than the US average, but it is still significantly higher than other small cities. Nedrow is in the 79th percentile when it comes to safety. In fact, compared to the national average, only 21% of cities are safer than Nedrow. The north part of Nedrow is considered to be the safest area.