Mount Upton, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering how many people live in Mount Upton City. If so, you can look up the city's population and steets. You can also look up the streets for neighboring cities. These cities are within 70 miles of Mount Upton, NY. They are useful if you want to book a flight to another city in the area. Or, you can also use these cities to plan a road trip.

Crime in Mount Upton City is 9.09 crimes per 1,000 residents. The northwest part of the city is the safest part, while the western part of the city is the most dangerous. The chances of becoming a victim of crime in the northwest part of the city are as low as one in 165. Comparing crime rates in different neighborhoods is not as simple as looking at a city's population map. The crime map below shows a simple count of the number of crimes per 1,000 residents.

The population of Mount Upton City is categorized according to race. The town self-identified as white in the US census, and as black in the state. The color of the neighborhoods is based on the percentage of people of each race living in the town. Green areas are more diverse, and red areas are less diverse. Diversity means a variety of races living close together. You can also see how much diversity a city's population has on a map.