Moravia, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Moravaa City? Find out more in this article. It will give you a good idea of the city's average income and population. Also, find out how many cars are owned by each household in Moravia. Most residents of Moravia, NY own at least 2 cars. The median property value in Moravia is $108,400.

The median annual income in Moravia, NY is $56,184, which is lower than the U.S. average of $65,712. This represents an annual increase of 19.2% over the past year. The population is made up of 634 people, and the main industries in Moravia are Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Educational Services. The highest paying industries in Moravia are Public Administration and Manufacturing.

The town's employment rate grew by 1.6% from 2018 to 2019. It is the second fastest growing US city after Buffalo, NY. In addition, Moravia, NY employees have shorter commute times than their US counterparts, and 0% have super commutes. And despite the city's low average income, the median household income is still higher than that of its neighboring and parent cities. In 2019, ninety-two percent of the population in Moravia, NY had health insurance, with only 4.19% on Medicaid. Another nine percent lived in a household with an income below the threshold, but didn't have health insurance.