Mohawk, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The village of Mohawk is located in Herkimer County, New York, with a population of 2,731 at the 2010 census. The village is named for the Mohawk River, which flows adjacent to the Erie Canal. Mohawk is located southeast of Utica. The Palatine Germans began to settle in this area in the 1720s, and the King of Great Britain and Governor Burnet granted the town its name in 1725. In 1725, George Washington stopped at the Shoemaker Tavern and stayed for a while.

The number of households in the village was 1,146 in 2000. Of these, 1,146 were families with children. There were also 18.7% of single adults and 10.4% of households were headed by a female. There were also a few senior citizens living alone. The median age of the population in the village was forty years. There were also relatively few vacancies in the village - only 3% of all households had vacancies.

While the majority of commuters commute by vehicle, some people choose to walk or bike. A few people even choose to use motorcycles. Overall, a car is the most popular mode of transportation in the city, with 1,009 people commuting by car. About 34 residents prefer to walk or bike to work. Nine people travel by motorcycle. Despite the high number of commuters, most people live within a half-hour of their workplace.