Mill Neck, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Millneck City are statistics that will help you understand the demographics of the town. This city has an average population of around 1.07k people. Almost 95% of the residents are U.S. citizens. The median property value is over $1M. Ninety-seven percent of the residents live in single-family homes. The median car ownership rate is three cars per household.

The median income of the residents of Mill Neck is $243,250, which is greater than the average household income of $65,712 in the United States. In the past year, the median household income increased from $204,083 to $243,250, a 19.2% increase. The top five industries in Mill Neck, NY are Health Care & Social Assistance (68 people), Finance & Insurance (60 people), Professional, Scientific / Technical Services (58 people), and Real Estate - Rental & Leasing.

The population of Mill Neck is largely white, with 88.1% of residents holding a bachelor's degree or higher. Only 9.4% of residents are unemployed, but the rest of them are working. The median household income in Mill Neck is $243,250, and 95.9% of households have broadband internet connections. A recent census showed that residents in Mill Neck, New York are active in the job market.

The area in green is more diverse than those in red. Green areas have more people of diverse ethnicity than red ones. Diversity is defined as the presence of people of different races living in close proximity to one another. All-white neighborhoods are considered to be lacking in diversity. This town is home to numerous schools and libraries, including Mill Neck School District. In addition to public schools, the town is also home to two separate library districts, and one municipal court.