Middleville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you determine the Population & Steets of Middleville City, NY. The population of Middleville is approximately 554 people, with 51.4% being male and 48.6% being female. You can also find the percentage of people who are married. There are roughly 2.6 families per thousand residents in the city. For more detailed information, see the Middleville city profile below.

As of 2010, there were 554 people living in Middleville, NY. Of those, 0.0% identified themselves as Black or African American. Another 0.0% identified as Hispanic or Latino. The city also has a small percentage of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Overall, the median household income was $45,417 in 2020. It is estimated that 6.4% of the population is below the poverty line. The median age in Middleville is 28.9 years.

The population of Middleville is categorized according to the city's ZIP Code. The United States Postal Service uses the ZIP code D (Default) as the preferred name for the city. You can find the population of Middleville by street, state, and ZIP code. You can also find the zip code, which is a 9-digit number that is used to copy mail. In addition, you can also find the school name, telephone, and zip code in Middleville.

The population of Middleville, MI is approximately 6,188 people. One third of the population is under 18 years old, while another quarter is between 25 and 44 years old. The average age in Middleville is 28. The median age was 27.9 in the first quarter of 2014. There are 1,449 housing units in Middleville, and the city has a high number of schools. For families and retirees, Middleville is an excellent choice. There is plenty to do for Middleville, MI.