Middleport, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many reasons to look at the population and steets of Middleport City, RI. Depending on your personal preferences, you may be looking for a more walkable city, a quieter suburb, or a combination of all three. The good news is that there are plenty of options available for both! If you're considering purchasing a home in Middleport, we encourage you to consider the different options available to you.

Crime rates in Middleport, NY vary widely, but the overall number of crimes per capita is 7.93 for the standard year. This varies from one neighborhood to another, with the northwest part of the city having a lower crime rate than the southeast. Comparing crime rates can be confusing, but this Middleport city map is a simple count of crimes. The numbers closely resemble those for state and national populations.

There are several early settlers in Middleport, NY. The town was first called Tea-Pot Hollow, and was incorporated in 1872. The first merchant in Middleport, James Northam, opened his store on April 22, 1822. Other early settlers in Middleport included Erastus L. Williams, Asa Carrington, and John McNall. The city is also home to Pierce & McClean, Mason & Son, and Harvey Francis. A brick hotel was built in 1884 on the site of a frame house.

The city of Middleport is located in the county of Meigs, NY. The population of Middleport is approximately 1,710. It is a port on the Erie Canal and is part of the Buffalo-Niagara Falls MSA. Middleport has a low crime rate and a very low sex offender rate. In addition to these facts, the town is home to many businesses, including several hospitals.