Meridale, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When deciding to place your billboard advertisement in Meridale City, you should consider the economic and demographic characteristics of the town. Meridale has an estimated population of 187 people and 17 households. The median home value in Meridale is $175,000, and the average household size is 2.53. The city is also considered to be home to a high percentage of homeowners: 4.67 per 1,000 people.

ZIP Code 13806 is located in the state of New York, specifically in Delaware County. The official USPS code is MERIDALE, New York. It includes portions of MERIDALE city and bordering towns. The area code for 13806 is 607, and it is categorized as a Lower Middle Class zip code. The area's unemployment rate is 3.1%, lower than the state's average of 4.1%. The national unemployment rate is also 3.9%.