Masonville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to a new city in Kentucky, you might be wondering what the population and steets of Masonville City look like. This article will give you some insight into the demographics of the area and how you can compare the population of Masonville to other cities in Kentucky. By providing the median household income in Masonville City, you can gain a better understanding of where people in your city are spending their time and how much they earn.

A demographic analysis of Masonville reveals large generational groups. This data is useful for employment research and determining which areas may be home to retirees. The percentage of people under the age of 20 is among the lowest in Masonville, while the largest percentage of people in the city are between the ages of 30 and 39 years old. In comparison, the percentage of households in this age group is among the highest in Masonville and ranks #1 among other cities in Iowa.

Crime in Masonville is also reported on the map. In the east, there were no crimes recorded, while the west side of town had six reported crimes per year. Because the area has a small population, crime may appear to be lower in some areas but higher in others. Aside from that, there is no indication that a specific area of Masonville is more dangerous than others. Just like any other city, crime occurs where people are.