Mahopac, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Mahopac is a town in the state of New York. It is a national center located at the mouth of the Hudson River. The city is most comfortable in June and August. The coldest month is January. The New York metropolitan area includes Manhattan and the eight-county region immediately north of it. It is also among the most wealthy places to live in the United States. The population of Mahopac is approximately 8,687.

According to the 2010 Census, 89.9% of the population in Mahopac City was under the age of 18. The remaining percentages were higher for those ages 25 to 44. One-fourth of the population was 65 and older. Only 6.9% of the households were single-parent households. And five percent of all households contained senior citizens. The median household size in Mahopac City was 2.89, while the median family size was 3.28.