Lyons Falls, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Lyon's Falls City? In the United States, English is the most common language. In Lyons Falls, New York, 100% of the population speaks only English very well. The median property value in Lyons Falls, NY is $81,500. There are around 253 residents in this city. The largest industries in Lyons Falls, NY are Manufacturing and Health Care & Social Assistance. Both industries employ about 40% of the total population. These two industries are responsible for generating the most income for the residents of Lyons Falls.

According to the 2000 United States Census, Lyons Falls, NY has a population of 416 people of voting age. Of these, 44.1% are male and 56.1% are female. The city has a high percentage of military personnel, with almost 20% of the population having served in the US military. Interestingly, a high percentage of military service members in Lyons Falls served in the Vietnam War.

In 2010, households in Lyons Falls, NY spent the most of their income on housing, with 29.1% of households using a vehicle for commuting. This percentage is significantly higher than the national average of 64.1%, and it is higher than that of the parent and neighboring geographies. More people in Lyons Falls, NY own their homes than in other nearby towns. Furthermore, eighty percent of Lyons Falls residents drove alone to work in 2019. In contrast, only 7.86% worked from home.