Loudonville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to move to Loudonville City, Ohio, then you should know the current population and steets of the city. The population is primarily white, with an extremely high percentage of middle-aged adults and seniors. The percentage of single parents and families is lower than average, and there are a slightly higher number of children under the age of eighteen. The city has slightly less than average vacancies, but one can find nursing homes in the area.

The majority of people living in the neighborhood are white. There are also no racial or ethnic minorities. However, the Loudonville area has more black residents than 99.3% of the nation. The neighborhood's total proportion of single-family homes is higher than 98.4% of all neighborhoods. As a result, it's a good neighborhood for families who want to live in the area.

The racial and ethnic group with the lowest income in Loudonville, OH, is white. Those who live in these neighborhoods often use public transportation or walk to work. While it can be a financial burden, commuting to work is usually no more than 15 minutes one way. In fact, many Loudonville residents spend only about 15 minutes traveling to and from work each day.

In terms of housing, the majority of Loudonville residences are large and medium in size. Many of them were constructed between 1940 and 1969, with some built before. The city's vacancy rate is only 2.6%, much lower than the national average of 84.5%. Despite the small vacancy rate, the housing supply in the area is very tight compared to the demand. Therefore, it's recommended to look for property in this city when looking to buy a home in this area.