Lagrangeville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to population and steets, Lagrangeville, New York is a relatively small community. With 106,103 housing units, 99,536 are occupied, while 6,567 are unoccupied. Single-family detached homes, which are also known as town homes, and apartment housing, which are usually two to fifty units, are the primary forms of housing in the city.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Lagrangeville City was 11,983 people. This number includes households with children who are under the age of 18. In addition, the population of people in Lagrangeville City is made up of married couples, which constitutes 71 percent of the population. Individuals, on the other hand, make up approximately 17% of the population.

In addition to total population, Lagrangeville is home to a number of schools. The town has three elementary schools and four high schools. The total school enrollment in Lagrangeville is 78,962 people. The city has a population growth of 1.8% since 2020. For the last decade, Lagrangeville has become a thriving center for both public and private schools.

The majority of African-American residents in LaGrangeville City live in housing that is far less sanitary than those of white people. Approximately 26% of African-American households lack complete plumbing facilities. The city's population of African-Americans is highest in the southeast portion of the city, where distressed housing lingers. There are also more unpaved streets in predominantly black neighborhoods. It's important to note that the racial composition of LaGrangeville is representative of the area.