King Ferry, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table presents Population & Steets in King-Ferry City, NY. These statistics are updated every year and are helpful for residents of the area to make wise decisions about the environment in which their children will grow up. You can also use this information to decide which area is best for your children based on the employment outlook and education levels of the residents. King Ferry is a small town, but its population is quite diverse.

The crime rate map in King Ferry, NY, shows which parts of the city are the safest. Red areas show the highest crime rates, while yellow is the least dangerous. It is important to note that the crime rate map for King Ferry is not always accurate, as many crimes occur in retail areas. However, red areas do not necessarily indicate unsafe neighborhoods in King Ferry. To avoid being fooled by an overly-red map, check the actual crime rate of King Ferry before you book your flight.

The data provided below are based on the latest American Community Survey. The data shown is accurate as of the date of the survey, but there is no guarantee that the information is completely up-to-date. You can always check the U.S. Census Bureau for more data. The demographic data is updated annually. The table below includes information on the population of King Ferry City by race and gender.