Keuka Park, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Keuka Park, New York, the population is much younger than the U.S. average. The median age is 20.3 years, which is almost one-third younger than the national average. Moreover, only 8% of people in Keuka Park are over 65, compared to 14.2% for the U.S. as a whole. Also, Keuka Park residents tend to have lower divorce rates than other U.S. cities.

The most common racial groups in Keuka Park are White and Black or African American. While the national poverty rate is 14.1%, only 14.6% of the residents in Keuka Park are below the federal poverty level. For the full breakdown of the population, you can visit the state's census page. You can find detailed analysis on every state, including crime, the cost of living, and coronavirus statistics.

The median property value in Keuka Park, New York was N/A in N/A, and it increased by N/A between N/A. As for the percentage of homeowners in Keuka Park, NY, 44.2% of people live alone. Sixteen percent of residents live in a single-family home. The median family income is $50729, which is slightly lower than the national average.

If you want to travel to the major cities and airports near Keuka Park, NY, you may want to look for flights to those areas. These large cities are often more convenient, especially if you need to travel between two or more cities. You can also search for flights to smaller towns close to Keuka Park, NY. This way, you'll know the most convenient locations to stay in Keuka Park, NY.