Jordanville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are trying to find out the Population & Steets in Jordanvill City, NY, you should first check the cities close by. These large cities have large airports. You can search for flights to those cities from Jordanville City. These cities are about 4 hours away from Jordanville, NY, but still close enough to be considered nearby. When you have narrowed down the cities close to Jordanville, NY, you can search for flights from those cities.

If you are looking for the crime rate, it may surprise you that the area is safer than you might think. While the rate of assault per thousand people may appear higher in the south-eastern neighborhoods of Jordanville, it is much lower in the west. While it's not intuitive to compare the crime rates of neighboring cities, comparing crime statistics in neighborhoods near major airports, parks, and other places where people hang out is not always easy.

Jordanville is home to 7,24 residents, with 203 under the age of 20. A woman makes up the majority of Jordanville's population, with the male population comprising 119. The female population makes up 84 percent of the population, while a child is a woman's best friend. A third of the population is categorized as non-family homes, and fewer than one-third is white.