Jeffersonville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're thinking about moving to a new city, you might be wondering, "How Much Do You Know About Population & Steets in Jeffersonvill City?" Well, if you're in the market for a home in the area, or simply are curious about what it's like to live there, you've come to the right place. Here's a look at the population and steets of Jeffersonville, IN.

In Jeffersonville, Indiana, there are 36k white residents, 6.06k Black or African American residents, and 2.23k Two+ citizens. About 5.08% of residents are Hispanic. The median household income is $33,393, while the average household income is $45,908. The average high school graduation rate is 62%. The average age of residents in Jeffersonville is thirty-six years old.

The city's overall population density is very low, with only 1.4% of households being over 65 years old. There are large tracts of undeveloped land to the northeast of the city, but this area is expected to grow. With a planned bridge connecting eastern Jefferson County with Clark County, this area is slated for development. Its urban core is home to the city's highest density of parcels and probably some of the oldest platted lots. The urban core is known for being a mix of land uses, with a strong industrial/commercial corridor along the Ohio River.

In Jeffersonville, Indiana, most people commute to work by car. This is faster than sixty-four percent of all Indiana cities combined. And most of these commuters drive alone. While public transportation isn't widely used in Jeffersonville, walking is not a popular option. And despite this, Jeffersonville residents have one of the lowest crime rates in the country. It's a great place to live in!