Jamesville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you searching for Population & Steets in Jamesvile City? Do you want to find out how the population of Jamesville City compares with the rest of Virginia? Luckily, CityTownInfo can help you with that. Below are some of the important statistics and facts about this city. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We'll be glad to help!

According to the 2010 census, there are about 61,234 residents in Jamesville. The population density is the number of people living per square mile. This number compares with the national and state averages for each demographic. You can also learn about the median age of the population in Jamesville. By knowing the median age of the people in Jamesville, you'll have an accurate picture of the city's future.

The crime rate in Jamesville City is relatively low compared to the rest of Sparse Suburban areas, and almost half of the population is concerned about crime. Education in Jamesville City is excellent, and ranks highly on state and national levels. Data used in the ranking calculations include public school graduation rates, enrollment rates, teacher-to-student ratios, and student and parent reviews. The average score is calculated by weighting the data from various public and private schools in the city.

In terms of race and ethnicity, the town of Jamesville is very diverse. The largest percentage of people report being white or black. There are people of color in the city, including Hispanics, Asians, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders. And, of course, those who are a part of the community are likely to belong to a racial or ethnic group.