Honeoye, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Honeoye City, NY has 568 residents and has a median property value of $118,800. The homeownership rate is 23.3%, and most people commute alone to work. The median household size has five cars. The median household income is $28,347, making it slightly above the national average. While there are few jobs in Honeoye, NY, there are plenty of opportunities to make money in the community.

The population of Honeoye is primarily seasonal, with a few residents living in the area year-round. This community is home to multiple churches, a state boat launch, and a K-12 school. There are also a number of recreational activities, including hiking trails, beaches, and local farms. The economy of Honeoye is dependent on seasonal tourism and agriculture.

In terms of health insurance, 94.7% of the city's residents are covered by employer-sponsored health plans. However, many residents are uninsured or underinsured, which can result in expensive medical bills. Honeoye, NY also has low poverty rates. As a result, it is highly unlikely that any residents will be in danger of losing their coverage.

Lima's industrial base is centered around dairying, livestock farming, and agricultural production. The town is home to one of New York State's main east-west thoroughfares. Hydropower is also provided by Honeoye Creek and Spring Brook, and the city has a thriving industrial presence. Lima is also home to several schools, including the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary and Genesee College.