Hillburn, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering: What is the Population & Steets of Hillburn City, New York? This article will give you an idea of the area's demographics. Hillburn City is located in the New York metro area, which includes the island of Manhattan and eight neighboring counties. It is the fourth richest city in the U.S., and the average resident is 39 years old.

In Hillburn City, New York, a majority of residents commute by car, with only 8.2% using public transit. This map also shows how many of those residents carpooled or rode their bicycles to work. However, it is important to note that these are not always representative of the entire population, as some blocks in Hillburn City have many more people than others. You should also take note of the area's diversity, as some neighborhoods may be more racially diverse than others.

The violent crime rate in Hillburn City is 5.34 crimes per 1,000 residents. Residents of the northeastern part of Hillburn City consider this part of the city as safer than the rest. In contrast, the south and southeast parts of the city are considered more dangerous than the rest. However, the map may be confusing for people to interpret. If you're wondering about the crime rate in Hillburn City, make sure to check the Crime Map to learn more about the area.

The median property value in Hillburn, NY is $315,600. That's 1.31 times higher than the national average of $240,500. The median number of cars per household is two, and the average commute time is 28.9 minutes. The median racial makeup of Hillburn, NY is White (Non-Hispanic), Other (Hispanic), Black or African American, and Two+. 84.9% of residents are U.S. citizens, while 29.3% are foreign-born.