Hewlett, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're interested in the Hewlett area or you're considering relocating, this information is important. This article explores population and steets data for this area. The statistics presented are based on Census data tagged to residential addresses. To get an idea of the quality of life in this area, read on for more information. You'll also find useful information on housing markets and demographic trends.

The average income for a resident in Hewlett, NY is $44736 per year, which places them in the upper middle class compared to the rest of the US. Families that fall below the poverty line are considered impoverished. The racial makeup of Hewlett, NY is composed of many different ethnic groups, but the three most common are White, Black, and Other.

The population of the Hewlett City area is comprised of more than a quarter of a million people. While only about one quarter of these residents are children, the population is growing. In the year 2000, the city had a population of 51,765 residents. Its median household size is 2.54, and there are a few senior citizens living alone. In addition to these statistics, Hewlett has a diverse economy.

As of the 2010 census, the city had a population of 452,465. Twenty-five percent of the population was under the age of eighteen, while thirty-two percent of people are between twenty-four and forty-four years old. The median age is forty. The demographics of the city have a diverse range of ages, from preschoolers to retirees.