Harpursville, New York Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The map below displays the rate of property crime per 1,000 residents of Harpursville. Property crime is non-violent and is categorized by type and severity. The central part of the city is considered to be the safest place to live, while the southeast neighborhood is the most dangerous. This map is not as intuitive as it may appear, but it can give you an idea of the danger level in the city.

Residents of Harpursville come from a variety of ethnicities. While most residents are White, there are also some people of Native American and Irish descent. In addition, English and Italian are the most common languages spoken by the residents of Harpursville. Slavic languages are also a major part of the local population.

Harpursville is home to a population of 3,642 people. Approximately 1,770 people are over the age of 20. The median age for residents is 36.9 and for females, 36.4. There are around 2,210 births and deaths each year in the city. The city has a 70 percent high school graduation rate.

The ZIP code for Harpursville City, New York is 13787. It is part of the Harpursville Central School District, which has two elementary schools and two high schools. The city is home to a number of different mailing addresses.